Deryn Bolton

Deryn Bolton

With 1 foot in the world of music and DJing, and the other foot in the world of strategic HR and people management - I am deeply passionate about how deeply powerful it can be to grow our capacity to listen, to hold, to receive. To not be swayed by the words or stimulus that comes to us, but to put our own reactions to one side for just a moment, and to make more space for the unfolding moment by asking "What else have you got for me?" "How much more of this moment can I receive and hold?". "How much more of your truth can I bear witness to?" As a seasoned facilitator of group workshops, programs and training programs, I am skilled at both holding a room and moving with what is moving in the moment. Walking in presence and Truth are my highest ideals. I hold a space which honours boundaries, spaciousness, freedom. Where I can I love to teach people skills which make their life a little better. I'm interested in depth, in soul, in silence and spaciousness. I'm interested in what magic can emerge when we cultivate the discipline of stillness, and the courage to reveal what is true and authentic. Whether in dialogue, or on the dancefloor.