Kim Carlton

Kim Carlton

My passion and connection is nature. It guides me, connects me, heals me. I absorb in learning and gratitude with wildlife, animal's, plants, air, wind, water, fire. All Kids hold a balanced energy, yin/yang. Present, authenticate, bright, brave, strong, vulnerable, joy filled. I love sharing kindness and nature with kids. We learn and create together. I look forward to using our hands, sensory experiences. Sharing our spirit while creating and enjoying mother nature together. My Kruger trails qualification and experience brought back teaching on my path.

I currently lead and create hands on environmental programs/activities for my community, bi-monthly and school term outings. Last year I expanded my environmental programs and created a hiking club + recycling program, which I am still growing. Each year and this year I am calling in more teaching kids in nature. I look forward to each steppingstone that puts me in this space. Thank you. I look forward to this experience.