Craig Savage

Craig Savage

Craig Savage a.k.a “Makhosi”

In seeking to heal and build bridges between aspects of Self, as well as the linguistically, culturally and financially divided peoples of South Africa, I found myself training as igqirha lamaMpondo (iSangoma) in 2003.

Ancestors & Dreams guided the path away from ukuthwasa and led to the founding of UBuntu Bridge in 2006, a social enterprise teaching Xhosa and other vernac languages as a path of balanced transformation, reconciliation and social unity.

It is joy to use music, humour and story to inspire and edutain.  With the Mangalam Xhosa Mantra band, we teach Xhosa using kirtan-style isiNguni song-prayers and chants, story-telling, iingoma, amagwijo and collaborative ceremony. It's fun and with full respect to the Source.

Since 2006, Makhosi has been initiated into formal Menswork and facilitates transformational processes in numerous contexts, now including Conscious Connected Breathwork.  Halala!

Rooted in Umlungu / Xhosa / Yogic culture, we seek to transcend social barriers, infusing sessions with spontaneity, creativity, vitality, movement, compassion and celebration.

UBuntu embracing Separation Consciousness! 
