Heleen Elizabeth

Heleen Elizabeth

Heleen Elizabeth has served over a  thousand humans over the past 6 years as a detox coach and currently she has 
three live, online detox programs 
running monthly. She has developed her own line of functional herbal formulas 
in the forms of teas, powders, capsules, and tinctures to assist the healing 
process. She makes use of Lymphatic 
Iridology to diagnose problems and 
track progress.
She is a Certified Detox Specialist from 
the International School of the Healing Arts of Dr Robert Morse ND, a Nutritionist, Bio-chemist, Master 
herbalist and Iridologist, Dr Morse has over
50 years’ experience, a world-wide following of hundreds of thousands, running a clinic and a School of the Healing Art of Detoxification in Florida, USA.
Reach her at:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@anouthen